Yoga for Homeschoolers

In the winter months, especially here in New England, it can be difficult for homeschoolers to get out of the comfort and warmth of their homes.  Playgrounds are often buried under snow or unsafe due to icy conditions.  Through interviews and a review of the literature I devised a program specifically targeted towards these children and partnered with a yoga studio in Cambridge.  Yoga for Homeschoolers

Soy and Osteoporosis

Another assignment for my class on Preventative Nutrition was to research a food and its possible preventative effects.  I chose to look at the research regarding the prevention of osteoporosis.  While Calcium and Vitamin D are well known attributes relating to bone strength, soy has been a bit more difficult to prove either way.  My presentation outlines the research I did and the conclusions I came to:

soy and osteoporosis